As a member of the Sherwood Flying Club (hereinafter referred to as SFC), you are required to abide by the following as set out in this document. Any member found in contravention of these rules will be subject to a membership review by the Board of Directors which could lead to restrictions being imposed or your membership terminated.
Use of Clubhouse
- The use of the clubhouse is for the conduct of SFC activities only. Accompanying family and friends are welcome and tea/coffee are provided free of charge to members and their guests. Members are kindly requested to leave the facilities as they would wish to find them.
- Security is taken seriously and members are reminded they are each individually responsible for ensuring the clubhouse is left secure should they be the last one in attendance. At the end of day, all lights and electrical equipment are to be turned off unless marked otherwise. Door codes are issued at the time of booking; these are changed regularly and must not be shared.
- No member shall remove any item of SFC property without the permission of an SFC Director. SFC headsets are for the sole use of SFC activities in SFC aircraft. Use of such headsets in private aircraft is not permitted.
- Any personal property that has been left either in the clubhouse or the aircraft will be placed into the lost property basket to be collected by its owner at a convenient time. The Board reserves the right to dispose of any lost property that has not been claimed for a period of time, usually six months.
- Smoking and pets are strictly prohibited inside the clubhouse.
Conduct when using SFC Aircraft
- Members are reminded to leave any SFC operated aircraft as you would wish to find them.
- If you are late for your booking, the next booking must not be disadvantaged - you must curtail your own slot and have the aircraft returned in time for its next booking. Should you wish to cancel your booking, it is your responsibility to do so on the booking system to free the aircraft for other members.
SFC reserves the right to charge a fee for ‘No-Shows’ for instructional bookings. Any ‘No-Shows’ shall be recorded in the book maintained for this purpose and Instructors can invoice the club at the prevailing rate.
SFC also reserve the right to charge a fee for members who persistently cancel bookings on a regular basis.
- All aircraft should be re-fuelled at the end of the day taking note of last fuelling time.
- Where possible, park the aircraft into wind. It is not acceptable to leave an SFC aircraft out overnight; take note of last landing time and when returning the aircraft to the hangar, the park brake is normally left off/door unlocked. Where this have been unavoidable you must inform an SFC Director/Instructor.
- All qualified pilots are required to complete aircraft technical logs – if you are unsure, seek help from an Instructor.
Currency Rules
- SFC has strict currency rules which members must observe. You must have flown an SFC aircraft within the last month.
For example, if you last flew on 6th December you are ‘current’ up to and including 6th January.
If you do not meet this requirement you will be required to take a check flight with an Instructor – the length and content of this check is at the discretion of the Instructor alone.
Initial check flights for joining members will entail a demonstration of general handling and navigation skills to the satisfaction of an SFC Instructor, probably over 2 flights.
- Members with less than 50 hours PIC
In order to fly both Warrior and Archer variants each type must have been flown within the last two months. Also, members with less than 50 hours PIC are not permitted to fly G-WARW due to insurance restrictions.
When 50 hours PIC have been attained logbook evidence should be submitted by email to cfi@sherwoodflyingclub.co.uk to remove these restrictions.
- Any Instructor has the absolute authority to refuse flight to anyone they feel unfit for whatever reason. This authority extends to any SFC Director.
Authorisation to Fly a SFC Aircraft
- The booking system will only permit a solo hire booking when both medical and class rating are valid; it is your responsibility to inform the Head of Training/CFI when these dates change.
- Qualified pilots are permitted to self-authorise taking into account their responsibilities as PIC and the requirements of the SFC ATO Operations Manual. It is the individual responsibility of all members to be fully conversant with their responsibilities when operating SFC aircraft – these are detailed in the SFC ATO Operations Manual as published on the SFC online training portal (members website, hard copy in the clubhouse). In addition, relevant pertinent information eg. weather limits for flight are displayed prominently in the clubhouse. Be aware that by signing the membership form you are declaring awareness of and compliance with its contents.
- Prior to flying overseas or operating to/from a grass airfield a dual flight must first be undertaken with a SFC Instructor unless recent logbook experience of the same can be demonstrated.
- Members with less than 50 hours PIC
The PIC requires authorisation by an Instructor either in-person, by telephone or message (text, email or WhatsApp) prior to operating outside the local area as defined in the Operations Manual (3.6.6 (a)). This authorisation may be obtained up to 24 hours in advance of the flight and the Instructor’s initials written in the ‘Authorisation’ column on the Flight Sheet.
Please note: an authorisation is not required when operating in the circuit or the local area. Members with more than 50 hours PIC are not subject to the above policy; however, any member who is planning a more complex flight is encouraged to contact an Instructor for advice.
Categories of Membership
- Full Flying Membership - you must have this type of membership if you intend to fly in SFC aircraft either as a student or qualified pilot.
- Complimentary Membership - this is awarded to people on a yearly basis in recognition for services given to SFC in the last twelve months and has exactly the same privileges as a full flying member.
- Temporary Membership - the privileges of this membership will be for training flights only in SFC aircraft for a period of 2 months.
- Social Membership - This entitles you to fly in SFC aircraft as a passenger only, and use the clubhouse facilities. You can also attend any social activities organised by SFC and attend an AGM.
- All Full Flying Membership fees must be paid when they become due. Renewal notices are sent out at the time by email only and can be paid online or in person at the clubhouse by Credit or Debit card. Anyone who cannot pay by either of these means will be able to pay by cash or cheque by prior arrangement.
- Anyone who has not renewed their membership within four months of the due date will be removed from the database and will be required to re-apply to join the club and must fill out an Application for Membership form which will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors at the first available meeting following application.
- New membership applications are subject to a pro-rata subscription rate, dependent on where in the membership year they join. This is only available to people who have never been a member before, or past members who have had a period of non-membership of at least three years.
The Board of Directors
The club is governed by nine elected directors who sit on the Board for three years at a time, after which they can place themselves for re-election for another three years if they so wish. The quantity of three-year tenures is unlimited. The Board of Directors have specific individual roles within it including Chairman, Company Secretary, Treasurer, Engineering Officer, GDPR Officer and Safety & Compliance Officer. During their current term of office directors should be available to attend board meetings and contribute materially to the running of the club.
- All club directors are registered with Companies House.
- Any full club member, life member or members who enjoy complimentary membership who have had continuous membership status for a minimum period of twelve months prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are eligible to be nominated for a place on the Board. Social members are not permitted to stand for election.
- Each year there are three directors who retire by rotation having served on the Board for the past three years. Elections are held at AGMs by ballot slip or by post if one is unable to attend. Details are sent out with the AGM notice four weeks prior to the event. If the number of nominations is the same or lower that the number of vacancies on the Board, the nominees will be appointed by default and no election will be necessary.
- SFC Directors are responsible for the smooth day-to-day running of all club business and to protect its assets. Board meetings are held approximately every six weeks and are minuted. Any SFC member who wishes to inspect the minutes must request this in writing to the Company Secretary with a legitimate reason as to why they wish to see them. The Board reserves the right to redact as necessary.
- Nominees must be proposed and seconded by any club member who has full, life or complimentary membership status. Social members are not permitted to be nominated, propose or second a nomination, vote at an AGM or request a postal vote. Nomination forms are obtained from the Company Secretary when required.
- All Club directors give their time completely free of charge but from time to time may request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. All Club directors enjoy complimentary membership status by default which reflects the quantity of work attached to the roles they hold.
- The Board may award complimentary flying hours to members from time to time in recognition of work or services made to the club.
- The Club directors have overall authority of all members and activities except where the Head of Training and/or Chief Flying Instructor choose to override any matters directly relating to flying if they feel any decision made compromises safety. The Head of Training and Chief Flying Instructor have overall authority over all flying related activities on a day-to-day basis.
By Order of the Sherwood Flying Club Board of Directors.
Revised June 2024